

In this blog, i post whatever i want to as and when i like.
Some of the things i post, may be quite outdated or the sources are quite some time ago.
However, as i said, in my blog, i post whatever i want to.
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Jermain Loveanascence

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The beauty of science in how he buys and how she shops

Research in the UK has confirmed that, in terms of shopping, men do not have the same stamina as women.

The average guy’s breaking point is seventy-two minutes, after which they will turn grisly at the shopping centre; whereas for women they can still browse happily for a further 28 minutes. This timing has/can been/be quantified all thanks to Tim Denison, a retail psychologist at Exeter University in Devon.

In the same study, it has also been found that women tend to be better bargain hunters, saving an average of ten per cent more than men, and the process itself is fun and thrilling for them. Most women are also excited by their finds for an average of 15 minutes after purchasing, whereas men’s satisfaction peaks once they find what they’re looking for.

Now we know why men are from mars and women are from venus. J

Or, why men are yin and women are yang. Or the other way round. J

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